Why ESG reporting?

We help you measure and assess your company’s impact. Develop your ESG policy framework and strategy

To increase the chances of your company attracting funding from local and international investors- it’s becoming important for companies to develop a strategy for ESG reporting and to verify the data.

Increased scrutiny from investors and regulatory mean companies face a need to measure, disclose and make progress on ESG initiatives.

  • How we do it at Noblestride Capital:

    – We determine the climate reporting strateg

    – Jointly with your team choose the standards and metrics

    – Collect data from your clients and other stakeholders

    – Analyse the data, address risks and controls and develop investor-grade ESG metrics

    – Publish investor grade report to make the data useful to your business and stakeholders

    – Train your team on ESG findings and implementation

    – Jointly develop and ESG strategy

    – Support the accreditation process and certification

  • Why do a Social Performance Audit / SPI4?

    1. Showcase your organization social contribution.

    2. Understanding of your organization’s strengths and areas of improvement

    3. Obtain an action plan with prioritizing areas that need improvement.

    4. Compare your SPI4 results to peer benchmarks.